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                                                                                                                                                                   Dear Friends  

We thank God for your faithfulness through this pandemic. There has been a heartening renewal of prayer across the Diocese. Family and Home Prayers are making a comeback. We are grateful for those who have worked to produce our common Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. (our Lay Readers, Musicians and Clergy) and for all who have joined in those services. We see new leadership stepping up in offering on line resources for Bible reading, prayer, and devotion as well as folks making special sermons and bulletins available in print and email formats.   There is a new sense of Christian unity evident in Saskatchewan, especially revealed in the Covenant between Lutherans, Anglicans, Ukrainian and Roman Catholics and our mutual support and common decisions in the face of Covid-19. We have been meeting more frequently with Bishop Chris of Saskatoon and Bishop Rob of Qu'Appelle as we consider how we can move forward in discussions about greater collaboration and cooperation between our Dioceses. There is a renewed neighborliness and appreciation of the solidarity of the human family showing itself in the face of this crisis. At the same time there has been real and tragic loss, fear and anxiety, isolation and loneliness, sickness and death. We are called to prayer.   We are working with our Clergy and fellow Bishops as well as those responsible for Public Health in preparing a plan for the resumption of public worship and of our regular ministries. We have attached an update on some of the decisions that have been taken thus far along with a few other announcements. If you have any questions or concerns, please do speak with your local priest and contact one of us.   We ask for your prayers for courage and prudence as we assure you of ours.  

In Christ,

Adam S. Halkett & Michael W. Hawkins