Diocese of Saskatchewan 2024 Cycle of Prayer

Please pray weekly for

Adam Our Bishop

At Prayer Book Holy Communion (page 75) only “Adam our Bishop” should be mentioned within the Prayer of Intercession. Biddings at Holy Communion, Morning and Evening Prayer as well as BAS Litanies may include the following as well as the weekly Cycle of Prayer. 

Prayers and Biddings should not include formal titles or surnames. While bulletins may include details of jurisdiction and denomination, these should be avoided in prayers.


                                         Please also pray regularly for

Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury,

Linda, our Primate,

Greg our Archbishop,

Chris our National Indigenous Archbishop

And Andrew, our Diocesan Administrator

as well as

Sid, Bishop of the Saskatchewan Synod

(Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

Stephen, Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince Albert,

Lawrence, Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon & Metropolitan of Winnipeg and

Murray, Archbishop of Kewatin-LePas.


The Sunday Propers can be found in the 2024 McCausland’s Order of Divine Service and include the Collect, Epistle and Gospel (as well as an optional Old Testament Reading, see attached) to be used at  Holy Communion.  Psalms for use between the readings may be found in the tables.  If a Psalm is used between readings it should not conclude with the Glory be to the Father… nor a Psalm Prayer.  The Psalm may include alleluias (twice after the second last verse and once after the last verse) except in Lent or may be read with an appropriate verse selected as a repeated refrain.  At Communion smaller Psalm selections should be printed in the bulletin.

These readings may also be used at Morning & Evening Prayer or the prescribed Sunday Psalms (BCP p. Lff.) & (Lessons B.C.P. p. XVI ff ), also provided here, should be used.